Growing Mint at Home

Mint belongs to the family Lamiaceae and is a perennial plant. Its estimated 13-18 species exists and hybridization of its different species occurs naturally.
Mints are aromatic and have fruity taste. Its leaves have toothed margins and their colour varies from gray green and dark green to purple, blue and sometimes yellow. Its flowers are tiny and are found in purple, white and pink colour.
Most species of mints grow best in wet environment and moist soil where sunlight is not direct. It can attain height of 10-120cm but due to their tendency to grow exponentially, its spread could cover indeterminate area. Mints are shallow rooted and  can easily be grown in pots inside the home as well as in soil.

Growing mint from seeds
For growing mint from seed, prepare the pot and sow seeds 1/4 inches deep in it. Seedlings appear in 7 to 14 days but till then keep the soil moist and put them at place where they get plenty of sunlight. If you are growing them under fluorescent light then turned them on for 16 hours a day and off for 8 hours. Do not keep lights on for 24 hours because plants need dark period to grow.
Transfer them outside when they are atleast 3-4 months old.

Before transferring mint seedlings outside, harden them first by putting pots in a sheltered place for a week. Do not put them under direct sun. Save them from winds and very hot conditions at first. If nights are frosty then cover them with plastic sheets or bring them inside at nights. This care procedure toughens their cell structure and protects them from transplant shock and scalding.

Planting in Soil
Mints thrive well in light soil having good drainage. Prepare the bed and dig the hole large enough to accommodate plant root. Place each plant 18 inches or 1-2 foot apart from each other. After placing and covering with soil, water thoroughly.

Propagating mint
For growing mint from stem, separate one or two stems or cut 8 inches long stems just below the node and remove all leaves except top ones (as stem cells are present at apex which will help plants grow). Wash the stems and plant them horizontally in soil. It can also develop roots in water.
After 5-7 days, one will notice the growth of roots from the nodes merged in water. Let root system develop for few more days (during that process keep it watered and place at location where leaves get sunlight for at least 3-4 hours a day). When roots attain considerable length, plant them in a pot containing multi-pupose compost. Mint won't start spreading immediately. It might take a week or two to adjust but till that time keep watering it twice a day.
Finally when it will begin dividing, water it and keep its leaves clean of dust.

The growth of mint can be vertical or horizontal (creeping on long). If you wish to grow it vertically, remove the leaves near base and if you wish for it to spread, then cut its tips 1-2 inches (pruning).

If mint plants are not pruned regularly then they will begin to flower. Flowering will not have any significant effect on mint but if speedy growth is desired then remove the flowers.
Its fruit is nutlet and usually contains 2-4 seeds.

Harvesting and Storage
Mint leaves can be harvested in any season. Mint can be stored in plastic bags in refrigerators for few days. Else it can best stored in ice trays. Mint leaves can be dried and stored for longer time period.

Hope it helped you. For any relevant queries and suggestions, comment below. Thank you.


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